Cancer and life afterwards from a 42 year old Christian wife and mom of six. Please check out the many resources on the right side of the page.
My Story
I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Her2 positive breast cancer Dec. 27th, 2011. I had three large tumors in my left breast, I also had two positive lymph nodes and so with 5 positive biopsies I started my journey. In the beginning, it was a whirlwind and within a week, I was getting a port and preparing for chemo and the rush to save my life was on. Eight months later (August 20th) after stopping chemo (12 sessions) and not having surgery (a suggested double mastectomy) or radiation like my doctors wanted me to, I sat at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Illinois and heard the results of a mammogram, MRI, Pet Scan and blood tests were that they could find no cancer in my body. The nurses and doctors were baffled and no one could explain how I could have had this terrible cancer and it was now gone, except for me. I said the Lord healed me through prayers, education, diet and supplements. I started this blog when I was first diagnosed, it is not just about on cancer, but my life and day-to-day thoughts and activities. There are suggested websites, blogs, videos and more here that I believe can benefit those dealing with cancer and those who want to be preventative. My hope is that you and yours will learn, be encouraged and healed. My family prays every night for those with cancer and that you will be not only be healed but that you will live long and happy lives.
Please check out the right side and scroll down to "This blog" for highlights. Love and Blessings on your journey. Karri
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Death is not Dying - December 16, 2012
As I get closer to the one-year anniversary of my diagnosis I am thinking
back and reflecting on how much I have learned and grown in Christ this year. I
am so thankful for it all. Of course, I still hope I will forever be cancer
free, but I am also quite prepared for the fact that with the aggressive type
cancer I had that there is a possibility that it will come back and that I
could very well die from cancer eventually. I feel very thankful that I have
had such a long life already compared to others, especially right now because of
the news from the latest school shooting and children as young as five dying. I
plan to go get checked out by doctors during the Christmas break. I often complain about
things in life. It’s in my nature and a learned response of dealing with uncomfortable
nesses and disappointments in life. I still remember and can hear the words of
ranting from my grandmother and mom as they vented, walking and talking aloud
supposedly to themselves about their frustrations with usually the very people in
the house walking right next to them. Thankfully, the ranting aloud to myself
is something that I hardly ever do; however, I still struggle not to make many small
little negative comments. I usually tend to complain of things like my aches
and pains, lack of sleep, the messy house, or the amount of work I have to do
and the lack of appreciation I get. For example, I clean my boys toys day in
and day out and they hardly ever thank me, but this job of motherhood is often
a thankless job. Unfortunately, I think our whole family has this tendency to
talk and complain about very small things. I hope we can all work on that.
I wish I took absolutely everything
to the Lord first, but I don’t. I wish that I didn’t feel the need for
understanding and sometimes empathy from others so much. I wish I were stoic
and patient. I wish that things did not affect me so strongly at times and that
I would shrug of negativity instead of going over and over it in my mind.I have so much to continue
to learn and work on. Each day brings problems and the necessity of problem
solving with it. Each day is an opportunity of growth and learning. I think
that I may start a journal that says not what positive thing I can think about such
as Oprah would recommend but one that states the lessons learned from the day. Perhaps
this is something I could pass on to my children. I know that in our home, we
talk after and about a wide variety of life lessons and I hope and pray they watch
and learn from the things that their dad and I deal with. Nothing in life can
prepare you for it as well as the experiences themselves.
I hope that each day I can trust
in the Lord more. I hope I can depend on Him for my needs, understanding, and
life lessons. I hope that I can grow and be refined through trials and
hardships to be more like Jesus each day.
I want you to watch a video,
which is almost an hour long about life and death and the Lord. The woman has
been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. She has since this video died, but
she was so stoic and trusting and well she’s amazing. I promise if you take the
time to watch this, you will be blessed. The life lessons she passes on are
worth the time. I will also add this video to the sidebar.
After four and a half years of vigilantly fighting breast cancer, the 37 year old wife and mother of two was diagnosed with terminal cancer. But for Rachel the essence of life is found in her relationship with God through Jesus. And that's why Rachel is convinced that death is not dying. On March 4, 2009, what started out as a small talk to a women's group at her church grew into an event attended by 600 women from around Vancouver, giving Rachel an opportunity to share about her hope in the midst of terminal cancer. Rachel’s honest and thought-provoking talk touched women of all ages and left a hunger for discovering more about Rachel’s journey and the faith that has so deeply affected her life.
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