If Only for a Second
I think one thing to point out is that these ladies said cancer took over their thoughts and consumed them for worry and fear. I think that beating cancer starts with your heart and mind above all else. You have to take each thought captive and focus on the positive and what matters most in life. Christ doesn't want us to live in fear and worry, but to trust in Him faithfully at all times in all circumstances; even when diagnosed with a life threatening illness and possible early death. Yes, this is definitely easier said and done, however if you work on something and focus your attention to having a positive outlook you can do it!
Life is struggle - no matter who you are and what is going on in life. We all have peaks and valleys. If you have cancer right now and are in a valley, you'll have to depend on God and your own positive attitude to get back up to that mountain top again. It's hard work, it takes energy and strength, but please, oh please don't let people (especially doctors) tell you that you are a statistic and that things are so bad that you need to worry. That is a lie from Satan and you need not worry!
Suggestions for surviving the diagnosis and depressive thoughts cancer can bring:
- Realize you are not a victim. Just because you have cancer, it doesn't make you some poor and pathetic person unless you want it to. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt. Change it to - Cancer can not make you feel inferior without your consent.
- Focus on things you can be grateful for each day. Write a blessings journal and review it when you are feeling low.
- Enjoy the world the best you can. Depending on your health - get outside, go on a walk, ride in the car with the windows down, feel the sun on your face, etc. Stand on the earth barefooted. Pay special attention the wind, birds, trees, etc. and see the beauty in God's creation.
- Smile. This is one of the quickest ways to turn yourself around. Let your smile change the world (your world), don't let the world (your circumstances) change your smile.
- Have alone time to meditate and pray. This can be difficult, but it is a must when you have cancer. You have to think, process, plan and just relax.
- Convince yourself. Talk positively to yourself, telling yourself that you are strong, capable and going to survive and if not that you'll make the best of things while you are here. Write positive words and scripture on index cards and put them up throughout your home to remind yourself of the positive things and say them aloud. Proverbs 18:21 says the tongue has the power of life and death. Romans 12:2 says do not be conformed by this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
- Take care of yourself. Carve out time for little extras in life. Enjoy pedicures, romance movies, great Mexican food, a hot bubble bath, etc. Do whatever floats your boat and enjoy it thoroughly.
- Rest enough each day. You can't do anything well when you are tired. Here are my tips for getting good sleep. Sleep it's so important.
- Eat healthy foods and drink your water. Do things that are good for your body like drinking healthy smoothies and getting enough water.
- Spend time with loved ones. Be only around people that make you happy and encourage you. Stay around from those people that bring you down or doubt you and your capabilities. These are toxic people and you need loved ones that believe in you, encourage you and care for you.
- Try something new. Try new foods, acupuncture, yoga, visit a new place, etc. This helps get you out of the day to day monotony that can often happen when you are constantly going to doctors, taking medicines, doing treatments, etc.
- Laugh. Laughter is great medicine. Watch a funny movie, tell stories that remind you of funny events, tell or hear a joke. Laughter is a gift from God and it can change everything including the chemicals in your brain. Proverbs 17:22 says I have a merry heart and it is medicine to my life. Check this out. Here's a funny little clip and there are are more at my pinterest page.
- Have Fun. Ecclesiastes 8:15 says I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world to eat, drink and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.
- No need for pity parties. When I was going to shave my hair because it was falling out and it was painful I determined to not have a pity party. I wrote this the day of and even joked about it. It was mind over matter. During cancer I determined how I was going to act (and not react) to the circumstances of life and that is always powerful. I took control in letting my hubby do it and letting the kids run around. I refused to be upset about it, it was what it was and so we even videoed it. That was only part but you see laughing and some frustration with the kids and all but it was very real. A bit of anxiety because of the pain but for the most part it wasn't a big deal because I chose not to make it one.
- Remember you are not alone. You aren't the first and your won't be the last with this diagnosis. In fact the numbers are crazy, a huge majority of people will get cancer in their lifetimes. This is good for you though since you have others that have been there and done that. People like myself want to reach out and help those going through it. There are amazing stories out there of perseverance, hope and strength and resources galore. Tap into your area support groups and talk to others that have made it to the other side and are cancer free now.
- Be smart. Read the reports and medical information out there to educate yourself. You have a brain - use it. Many people trust every bit of information fed to them blindly - please don't be that person. I was so scared and fearful in the beginning that I didn't stop to think and learn about the options out there. I did things I wish I hadn't and I didn't spend enough time researching before making those early decisions. Read, learn and pray before making major life decisions. Always consider a second opinion because I promise there are always conflicting beliefs. Always pray before any big decision and listen for the answer, don't just tell God what you are doing.
- Listen to good uplifting music. You really need to be concentrating on good things and music and songs can change the way you feel and perceive. Check out my pinterest music. I listen to it while I am working on other things or just in my quiet time. Awesome Christian Music and Awesome Eclectic Music
- Look at this as an Opportunity. Determine to get the most you can out of cancer and do the best in the circumstance. Don't waste your cancer is a great book to read.
- Get in the Word. Read the Bible. Hebrews 4:12 says "the Word of God is living and powerful." and it is so true, it is full of truth and God's promises and wisdom. Everything you need is found here. I suggest good commentary and/or application Bible in American Standard English.
- Read the following books to become heavenly minded: Pilgrims Progress in Modern English, Hinds Feet on High places and Things Unseen: Living in the Light Forever
- Help others. When you are helping others it takes the focus off of you. It could be praying for them, writing a letter, words of encouragement, a gift of thanks, etc., anything to realize that everything isn't all about you and your needs and wants. Helping others always makes you feel better and reminds you that you are here for a purpose and can do the will of the Lord.
- Thank God. Yes, thank Him for your cancer. God allowed cancer to come to you. Everything has a reason and purpose and this is no exception. We are here to glorify the Lord - that's it that is your purpose in life and so do what you can to fulfill your purpose. One way to do that is to come to terms with this and realize it can be a blessing. Ephesians 6 :10 says Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Believe and do this! Psalms 34:1 says I will bless The Lord at all times; His praises shall be continually on my mouth.
- Accept the help and blessings that God is and will continue to send you on your cancer journey. They are there I promise - you just have to be aware and accept them. People, simple moments, little things each day that make it special.
Print this list up and add to it to make your own and do what you can from it daily.
Don't Worry be Happy
Well said as usual! I have a friend diagnosed a year ago that I will be sending this to. Thanks so much for the encouragement!