Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in the western world affecting 1 in 8 women over their lifetime. *Read the China Study to learn why they do not get cancer as much as we do.
About 215,000 women develop breast cancer every year in the U.S.
Most breast cancer in Europe and America is caught early due
to increased awareness and testing.
Genetics, lifestyle, and diet can all be the root cause for
cancer. Each person is different and their situation unique.
Risk factors:
Increasing age - Uncommon in women under 40.
Family history – There is a tests called the BRCA1
and BRCA2 that can determine whether a child is likely to get cancer. I tested
negative for the gene that passes it on meaning that my girls are not at the same
Those with autoimmune disorders – I have had psoriasis
since I was a child.
Drinking alcohol – 2 or more drinks per day
Diet high in fat and sugars – lacking vegetables
Lack of exercise and general good healthy habits.
Long term usage of drugs – legal or illegal.
signs and symptoms:
Breast lump (hard) usual found by the person – Yes,
men can get breast cancer too.
Pain associated with cancer. Only 5 – 10% of
cancer is found this way. Many doctors think that there is no pain associated
with cancer. I felt pain when I tightly hugged my son.
There may be enlarged lymph glands; these are in
your armpit.
Discharge from the nipple of only one breast. I had
this and just thought it was still breast milk from nursing since it was minimal.
Retracting of the nipple – I had this a small
bit, but thought it was from breast feeding six different times for a close to
a year or more with each. It never crossed my mind that this could be a sign of cancer.
In some people a redness in the skin can be a
treatment from the medical community is the standard poison, cut and burn plan
of care. I hate to state it this way but that is what it is. Poison is the
chemo, cutting is the lumpectomy or mastectomy and burn is the radiation. Then of course, there is breast
reconstruction that tends to follow, especially if you are young. America is
much more aggressive when it comes to using these treatments in order to kill
and prevent further cancer spreading than
that any other country.
are also wide varieties of holistic and alternative treatments, but most
medical doctors will tell you that these are ineffective and not proven. My take
on that is that the of course there is less data and information on holistic
treatments. The doctors, government, medical
companies, organizations and such research only their types of treatment. You cannot
get statistics on holistic treatments because they do not exist for the most
part. Some places in Europe and Canada and others are now starting to research holistic,
alternative and integrative therapies and their effects, but it will be many
more years before real data and a change happens, if ever it does.
common metastasis is in the bone, brain, lung and liver. When your cancer
spreads it is still breast cancer, it’s just now in a different part of your body. If cancer symptoms arise and it means it has already spread and so there is no cure , just treatment plans.
this blog, I have written about many different books and websites and many of
them can be found on the sidebar. However, for those newly diagnosed here is a
quick list of what is on my shelf. Some of these books need to be taken with a
grain of salt, and the realization that everyone has an agenda should be
remembered and considered as well. Pray and
discernment for each individual is my best advice. No one should tell you want
is best for you. You need to be your own advocate and do what you believe is the
best for you. That may mean spending some time researching and praying, getting
an oncologist and doing whatever they want you do, or going with a holistic doctor
and heading that way as far as treatment. Perhaps or it could be a combination or
if you have money you can go to a specialist like Burzynski. Whatever you do decide
please take the time to think, learn and pray. I was under so much fear and pressure
I did things that I wish I hadn’t done, but it was a learning process.
Being Cancer Free
can’t agree on this, but usually these days they say you have to go for 5 - 10
years without reoccurrence to be considered cancer free. Usually, after patient
has gone through treatment and when cancer is no longer detected, the patient will
be monitored for years to come. The typical
plan is similar to this: Follow up visits with mammograms or other tests every
2 – 3 months for the first year. The second to fifth year- follow-ups every 4 –
6 months and then after that 1 -2 times per year.
only in my order of suggestion
The Moss Report for Breast Cancer – This is my favorite
– 1-800-980-1234
Anti – Cancer A new way of life (Everyone has cancer cells in their body, but not all of us develop cancer. Why? Well this book discusses it all.)
Crazy Sexy Cancer (On this and other books -
type in the book under my search bar to find out more about it)
The Bible Cure – Reginald Cherry (This not a
cancer book - Bible’s hidden health secrets)
Everyone’s Guide to Cancer Therapy ( this is
written from a medical doctors but most of the general information is very good)
The China Study – (Why they are healthier and
how we can be)
Finding the “Can” in Cancer (Personal stories of
those that did traditional treatment.)
The PH Miracle Balance your diet and reclaim
your health (This is pretty intense.)
Wheat Belly – (Why wheat is so bad for us)
Okay, that’s it for now I have a big day ahead. If you have
any questions please post them.
Have a great day!Blessings,
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