Note: the day after I wrote this I received a comment from Lindsey and she said that Daisy died and there was a sermon about it I should check out, however I was never able to locate it.
When Sparrows Fall - Britt Merrick, at Reality Church in Carpinteria, California.
there's more.....
Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Colossians 4:2
Scriptures for dealing with fear, worry , stress and anxiety.
Prayer is a Privilege - John Piper
Praying for you, especially for those of you who like me (in the past) have been fearful of cancer, the future and death.
Remember, God is Good all of the time!
Hey Karri- I watched this message in January when it first posted. It's been a message that has stuck with me ever since. In way of an update - Britt's daughter Daisy passed away about a month later in February. You should watch her memorial service video. It was an incredible testimony - more of the same powerful message. Praying for you to get some good sleep tonight!