Previously, I never gave much thought to electrical magnetic
currents/ waves, etc., other than realizing sitting too close to the TV could
make you sterile, which may or may not be true, I just remember my mom yelling that to my
brother back in the seventies and thinking he could care less and does he even
know what sterile means! That and the idea that perhaps standing next to the microwave
wasn’t good for you. Now, I realize
that yes, your body is has its own electricity and negative and positive charge
and that this is all very important. Now I don’t claim to know it all when it
comes to this, but there is plenty of factual data backing up what I am about
to tell you and so here are the changes I have made regarding this and how it
has changed my life and my family members lives.
So anyways, previously we microwaved all the time and we did
it especially for the 2 year old as he was a spoiled babe and he wanted his
milk bottle and then sippy cup heated up and well, now we never do that. In
fact we hardly ever use our microwave. We bought one of those little counter size
ovens/broilers and use that and besides its
super cool when you are making baked okra for one to have this handy little kitchen
helper than to use the whole big oven and waste electricity and heat your
kitchen. The microwave sucks out the nutrients from your food and honestly
heating your food in general does but this doesn’t have the same micro biotic
effects as the super charged micro waves do. We also use a steamer more, which
isn’t a lot, but we never used it before. If I am heating up something, I will
always consider another option besides the microwave and that is not to say I didn’t
stick hot dogs in there yesterday, but it’s always something I am aware of and
try not to do. Note: Try not to use the microwave and consider
buying a little counter top oven; they are small and affordable I think mine
was $35 and it will help your electric bill too. Just be aware.
Now ,we also moved into a house 3 years with a giant
electrical box thingy (ya it’s early - don’t judge me and you know what I am talking
about) it’s up attached to a huge pole with
all the electrical lines and every 5
plus houses or so has one. Well long
story short on this - the doctor (Hopkins) thought this could be a contributing
cause to my cancer and so we have a little thing called the Total Shield
sitting in our bedroom brought over from my sweet friend Beth that gave it to
us as a present. The technology was invented
during the Cold War thanks to one of my favorite
presidents (Reagan of course) and it’s supposed to override/confuse the electromagnetic
waves so that they are not so harmful. Whether or not it works or not well who
knows, but it’s definitely something I am aware of and we keep on 24/ 7. Note: the Total shield is listed in my website section on
the right side and so you can look it all up and see if you want one.
Now like I said I don’t claim by any means to understand all
of this stuff and quite honestly and in this area I just don’t have the time to
research and that’s where I have to start with telling you about the next thing
that has changed. I wear a little magnet in my bra each day over the area where
the tumors used to be. Yes, you are right they are still there but super small
now, hopefully anyways - I need to get another PET scan and MRI. Anyways Dr. Hopkins
said to wear it. I asked him why and he
said he didn’t have time to tell me and so I just trust him and hope its
working. I do not get it, but I thought I would throw this out for anyone
dealing with cancer that may want to talk to a holistic doctor about it. Note: Consider all the electromagnetic pollution in your
life and start to educate yourself on the subject.
Anyways that brings me to a quick change of topic since that
covers all the electric stuff I can think of for now - my bra. Yes, that is
right - my bra. Each day I wear a bra expander strap, which provides looser
bras than I wore before. I found out
that your lymph system does not like to be constrained and it prevents its
working to its fullest to carry out your body’s toxins. My friend Beth brought
me little expanders that you can buy at a fabric store or perhaps Wal – mart or
that type store. They are small and inexpensive. They just loosen your bra a
bit (an inch – three or four I think) so it is not choking your body and the natural
ways that your body works are prohibited. I have read quite a bit on this and I
will never go back. Of course, for my husband’s cousins wedding on Friday , I may
wear a tighter fitting bra for a few hours that is better fitting and supportive
in a nice dress or for something like that but that’s rare and only for a short
period of time. Note: Get a bra expander and stop squeezing
into too tight of bras and clothes. Consider being professionally fitted as
well. I have done this several times and the average woman is wearing a bra
size 1 -2 times too small. These boutique bras are a bit pricier but they are
great quality and fit! Now for a confession, I hardly ever even wear a
bra when I am not having people over or going out. We realized last night that
we have had about 15 families over to our house in the last 3 days! Crazy I know,
but our lives are just very active and we have many people over and we go out
often. Anyways, I look like a national
geographic model after having breast fed 6 kids for 9 months to a year or more
and not wearing a bra so I have wanted a reduction/ lift for some time now. I might
have to get more than I bargained for with this whole cancer issue but oh well
my point is that ladies you need to consider letting your lymph system breathe
and going braless when you are at home. Note Think
about your health over your comfort or convenience and go “free boobing” as we
call it.
Okay so I do
not want to overwhelm you and so I guess there will have to be a part 3 and
perhaps even part 4 in the series. I hope and pray that this information is helping
and that people will pass on the blog information to friends and family and
check out the links I have on the right. Note: Pass on this blog, so hopefully this type information can help educate others.
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