My Story

I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Her2 positive breast cancer Dec. 27th, 2011. I had three large tumors in my left breast, I also had two positive lymph nodes and so with 5 positive biopsies I started my journey. In the beginning, it was a whirlwind and within a week, I was getting a port and preparing for chemo and the rush to save my life was on. Eight months later (August 20th) after stopping chemo (12 sessions) and not having surgery (a suggested double mastectomy) or radiation like my doctors wanted me to, I sat at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Illinois and heard the results of a mammogram, MRI, Pet Scan and blood tests were that they could find no cancer in my body. The nurses and doctors were baffled and no one could explain how I could have had this terrible cancer and it was now gone, except for me. I said the Lord healed me through prayers, education, diet and supplements. I started this blog when I was first diagnosed, it is not just about on cancer, but my life and day-to-day thoughts and activities. There are suggested websites, blogs, videos and more here that I believe can benefit those dealing with cancer and those who want to be preventative. My hope is that you and yours will learn, be encouraged and healed. My family prays every night for those with cancer and that you will be not only be healed but that you will live long and happy lives.
Please check out the right side and scroll down to "This blog" for highlights.
Love and Blessings on your journey.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 10, 2012 - I'm Sick and Tired of the Stinkin' Roller Coaster and I Want to Ride the Merry - Go - Round!

I think many people think that with cancer that you just incorporate that it into your life. I think if it is diagnosed quickly stage 1 or 2 and the type isn't too agressive it can be as such with many people, however for me it was never like this. Now I feel like I am trying to run 2 different lives and almost a double life similar to someone cheating on their spouse.
I have all my regular pre-cancer life things still plus my new cancer life things and so instead of those meshing together gently and smoothly it's more like two hamster wheeels running at a furious pace. To decribe it to my friend last night I said if you have your right hand spining and your left spining, it's hard to try to even try to consider trying to interlock your fingers.

My schedule is trying to still get figured out and it's been roughly 6 weeks now. I hate chemo and the WBC shot and the amazing amount of time that cancer is trying to take from my life. I don't want to give up time with my family or go to this appointment or that and take 20 plus pills roughly 3 - 4 times per day! I am already so sick of all of this. Having a baby,getting married, moving, or even getting sick for a short period is nothing compared to being given such terrible stats and told you have a long road ahead of you.

I am forever indebted to those that the Lord has provided for me to encourage me when I feel sad and a bit discouraged here and there which is usually when I am tired (sleeping less than 5 hours)and feeling/ being sick or in pain. Yesterday Brenda told me that I just had to put one foot in front of the other and I was so sick and tired even that was hard to do, but it got better and then worse again and then better and then worse again. It's like a tremendous roller-coaster and I am feeling very sick of it and would like to get on another ride soon.

That's all the time I have for today.
I am excited that I will get to direct my campus today and see my freinds and try to have a bit of the down sloap to the roller coaster ride today. Please pray for minimal or no bumps in today's journey and especially for my meeting that I am hosting tomorrow morning.

Blessings and have a great day!
I will write more by Saturday afternoon. BTW - the blog is on its way!

Love you all

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