My Story

I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Her2 positive breast cancer Dec. 27th, 2011. I had three large tumors in my left breast, I also had two positive lymph nodes and so with 5 positive biopsies I started my journey. In the beginning, it was a whirlwind and within a week, I was getting a port and preparing for chemo and the rush to save my life was on. Eight months later (August 20th) after stopping chemo (12 sessions) and not having surgery (a suggested double mastectomy) or radiation like my doctors wanted me to, I sat at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Illinois and heard the results of a mammogram, MRI, Pet Scan and blood tests were that they could find no cancer in my body. The nurses and doctors were baffled and no one could explain how I could have had this terrible cancer and it was now gone, except for me. I said the Lord healed me through prayers, education, diet and supplements. I started this blog when I was first diagnosed, it is not just about on cancer, but my life and day-to-day thoughts and activities. There are suggested websites, blogs, videos and more here that I believe can benefit those dealing with cancer and those who want to be preventative. My hope is that you and yours will learn, be encouraged and healed. My family prays every night for those with cancer and that you will be not only be healed but that you will live long and happy lives.
Please check out the right side and scroll down to "This blog" for highlights.
Love and Blessings on your journey.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Chemo Kills Video - March 13, 2014

So after reading lots of books and articles and talking to holistic doctors, watching videos, etc. I have gained a lot of insight and wisdom into cancer, chemotherapy and alternative treatments over the last three years.

I must admit I was very ignorant on the subject before hand. In fact, I didn't even understand what chemotherapy was. The Holy Spirit impressed it upon me time and time to learn more even years before I got cancer but I  always pushed it off and I just never got to researching it  until it was too late and I was already diagnosed. I now I listen to the  Spirit more now than I used to because of this.

Anyways, if someone asked me to sum up my frustrations with the American cancer industry these would be the basics I would springboard from.

  1. Chemo Kills - check the facts.
  2. Lies and money are paramount in research and treatment in the US
  3. Alternative treatments are out there.
  4. Many tests are unneeded and actually are more harmful to your body than helpful.
  5. Educate yourself
I have been against all of the breast cancer treatment fundraising for years.  This doctor give a very quick explanation of things. 

Click Chemo doesn't work to watch a quick 5 minute video and don't sign up to walk in any breast cancer fundraisers, but instead give it to a friend battling cancer and send her to a holistic doctor. 


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