My Story

I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Her2 positive breast cancer Dec. 27th, 2011. I had three large tumors in my left breast, I also had two positive lymph nodes and so with 5 positive biopsies I started my journey. In the beginning, it was a whirlwind and within a week, I was getting a port and preparing for chemo and the rush to save my life was on. Eight months later (August 20th) after stopping chemo (12 sessions) and not having surgery (a suggested double mastectomy) or radiation like my doctors wanted me to, I sat at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Illinois and heard the results of a mammogram, MRI, Pet Scan and blood tests were that they could find no cancer in my body. The nurses and doctors were baffled and no one could explain how I could have had this terrible cancer and it was now gone, except for me. I said the Lord healed me through prayers, education, diet and supplements. I started this blog when I was first diagnosed, it is not just about on cancer, but my life and day-to-day thoughts and activities. There are suggested websites, blogs, videos and more here that I believe can benefit those dealing with cancer and those who want to be preventative. My hope is that you and yours will learn, be encouraged and healed. My family prays every night for those with cancer and that you will be not only be healed but that you will live long and happy lives.
Please check out the right side and scroll down to "This blog" for highlights.
Love and Blessings on your journey.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Spice up your Life

All those spices and herbs in your spice rack can do more than add a little extra kick to your meals — they can rev up your metabolism and improve your health at the same time. Many spices are considered superfoods because they are full of antioxidants! Consider adding two to three spices to all your meals to make them not only taste great, but also help detoxify your body at the same time. Here's a list of some of the herbs and spices that will give a healthy (and flavorful) boost to your foods.
  • Basil is rich in antioxidants like vitamins A and C.
  • Black pepper increases the hydrochloric-acid production in your stomach, aiding digestion.
  • Cayenne pepper is a cardiovascular booster.
  • Crushed red-pepper flakes contain capsaicin, a potent anti-inflammatory.
  • Cumin primes the salivary glands and improves digestion.
  • Curry powder combines all the benefits of cumin and turmeric in one quick pinch.
  • Dill is a potent antioxidant and a good source of calcium.
  • Fennel boosts levels of vitamin C and contains anethole, a phytonutrient that can prevent cancer.
  • Garlic can help regulate the number of fat cells in your body and protect your cardiovascular system from disease.
  • Lemon and lime brighten up the flavor of plain water, detox your body and boost your intake of vitamin C.
  • Mint can help fight cancer.
  • Nutmeg can help you get sleepy at night.
  • Onion offers similar cardiovascular benefits as garlic.
  • Oregano is, pound for pound, one of the most antioxidant-rich foods around.
  • Paprika is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
  • Rosemary may be a weapon in the fight against cancer by preventing carcinogens from binding to cells.
  • Sage contains the same cancer-fighting compounds as rosemary.
  • Tarragon can aid digestion and help improve heart health.
  • Thyme is a relative of mint and a potent antioxidant.
  • Turmeric has been shown in several studies to have anti-inflammatory properties — and could help protect against degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and heart disease.
  • Vanilla is not only a sweet flavoring but also a stellar antioxidant.
Variety is the spice of life! 


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