Our Pastor, Tom Douthit talked about different times in the Bible where people had been scared of life’s storms, had been doubtful or even hopeful. He said that whenever people knew and believed in Jesus and saw His power and glory they fell to their faces and were on their knees before Him. The pastor then asked what our response to the Lord should always be. We should always fall to our knees and praise Him for all that he is, not just for what He has done or is going to do. Jesus always has authority and power, exercised by His word. The response is faith, not fear. All the people in the stories felt out of control of their lives and were desperate for help. Jesus was and is able to control everything. He showed and still shows compassion for the people that come to him in need.
One of the coolest things is that on Thursday when I met that man at Dr. Hopkins that was being healed from cancer; he talked about how he read the passage about the gentile woman healed. She reached up touch the hem of the robe of Jesus believing and trusting that if she could just do this is power would heal her.
Matthew 9: 20 – 22 - And a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years, came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak; for she was saying to herself, “If I only touch His garment, I will get well.” But Jesus turning and seeing her said, “Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well.”At once the woman was made well.
So that same day (Thursday), my friend Katherine was over for a short visit, and I was telling her about the doctor visit and everything and she mentioned this song by Caedman’s Call where they sing asking for Jesus to hang his robe down low so they can touch the hem. I’ll put it in here and come back to the story after you watch the video. The song is called Love Alone.
First I heard about the story at Dr. Mark’s and then about the song from Katherine and then again in church from the pastor. I am not sure exactly what this means I am to do yet, but this is where God has me this morning. I got up at 3:00 a.m., a common occurrence. This morning, I have been thinking about the message yesterday and what exactly God is trying to show and teach me. It keeps coming down to trusting God and believing without a shadow of a doubt, that He has the power to calm the storm.
Honestly most of the time, I do not feel as though I am in a storm even though I have been given this diagnosis and the doctors thoughts on my situation. I do have the peace that passes understanding; however I am sure I can never have enough reverence for the Lord. I am positive that I move fast and have to constantly refocus my heart and mind on the Lord and His truths.
I wonder, am I supposed to be like this woman? Or am I to go to doctors first as she did? She spent all her money on doctors that couldn’t heal her. Really nothing we do or don’t do ever changes God or His plan for our lives. He could have made the work the doctors did be what healed her, but that wasn’t his plan. Every person and situation is different no doubt. Figuring out what God wants us to do in the midst of the storm always comes down to our getting on our face before Him and seeking His will. Am I to reach out and touch the robe of Jesus, believing for healing or am I to take the doctors and their word for what I should do or perhaps it’s a combination of both.
It’s kind of funny that when it’s life and death decisions, many somehow feel that we have to make the right choice and get it perfect so that we can live. I am positive that isn’t the case. No matter what I do, I cannot extend even one day to the life that God planned for me. He knew that I would be writing these words and seeking Him and His answers for me this morning, and He knows when I’ll take my last breath. I could be 40 or 100 or anywhere in-between.
I remember a George Burns quote on life “If you ask what the single most important key to longevity is, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn't ask me, I'd still have to say it.” Here was a comedian and singer that at 100 was still smoking cigars and living life a bit in the fast lane and he was still around. He didn’t die of cancer, it was finally a heart attack that killed him. Other people die in car wrecks or freak accidents or like the man I just heard about the other day that died in his sleep at 54 years old. I have no power in preventing my death. I can try to be healthy, by eating the right food and exercising, etc. but now matter what I can't add days.
Whether or not I have chemo or surgery or not, I am not preventing anything except possibly future pain and problems, which that too could be part of the Lord plan for me through those decisions. I guess what I am saying, is that I feel that I really have no choice here. It is whatever the Lord wants me to do and he is gonna have to shout very loudly to make sure I get it. I’ll be taking George Burns advice on longevity and reaching up to touch the robe of Jesus while I wait for His direction.
Kerri; So glad I found you on Facebook and especially this blog. It's so encouraging to read your journey. Please keep sharing your heart. I don't think there is anyway to know how many seeds you are planting. God is using you in this journey you are on. Hugs and Kisses in Jesus.. Love Sharlene Lytton